Time is actually a scaring thing that people should be afraid of. It only moves forward, never backwards and never stopping. It's brutal and heartless if time was a person. People that aren't cherishing what they are having right now and taking things for granted should wake up and look around. Kids that loathe their parents just because they give you curfews please do know that they did that because they care. When you're older, you soon come to realise that when you were young and wishing to grow up faster so that you can get your freedom, you will wish to go back in time as a kid, not only because that being a kid is carefree, but because you want to spend more time with your parents. When you grow older, they grow older too. Soon you'll see more wrinkles forming on their faces, and you'll see that they get much weaker too. Many things that they are able to do for us when we were young are now things that we can do for our future generation, while they can't do it anymore. It saddens me at the thought that in a few years' time, my siblings and I will all soon be married and having our own family, creating a new cycle and my parents will be aging... It is times that these that I dislike how the cycle of life works. We live, we had memories, and in the end we have to die. I don't know what the afterlife is going to be like, but I do hope we get to keep our memories. I once tweeted, "Nothing stays the same except for the past, and that is why people treasure and hold onto memories so much." It pretty much summarises this whole paragraph of feelings I'm trying to explain. Don't you guys find that sentence true? Like a relationship, when two people break off due to certain reasons and one party moves on while the other can't, the one that can't move on is due to the fact that he/she still misses the memories that they had shared together. The feelings had mutually faded. What they actually miss is the memories not the person, and this is where most people get themselves mixed up with. Don't put yourself back into a position whereby you only want to seek the feelings and memories you've missed, 'cos it gives you pretty much nothing but pain.
Of course, these are just my thoughts and perspective and I'm just merely expressing them out! Feels so nice to for once, express out what I am feeling. Hopefully it's understandable for whoever is reading this. I appreciate that you're still dropping by this long forgotten space, be it accidental or not :)